Wanna feel happy?
Wanna get ripped?
Sizzle, tone and laugh your way into feeling stronger, happier and dorkier than ever!!
I double dog dare you…..

$29.99 - Purchase 21 Day Challenge
Challenge your friend or loved one! Buy them the 21 Day Challenge and share the Dorky love!

“Sadye is an inspirational teacher who makes fitness fun and accessible to everyone, but still manages to give us all an incredible workout. She gives us all permission to love music, love movement, love getting down and love getting sweaty.”

Don’t have time in your day for fitness or fun?
You can find that time anywhere…whether it be an early morning workout, squats in the bathroom, grocery bag lifts or pumping it at the gas station.
Dorky Dance Fitness is here to help you pave the way to a happier, buffer you!
$29.99 - Purchase 21 Day Challenge
“Sadye Osterloh is inspiringly and motivatingly hilarious! I regularly leave feeling more empowered and capable of anything! Her descriptions of dance moves not only has you laughing out loud, but manages to carry deeper messages of kindness, confidence, and positivity. This class is good for inner AND outer strength… it’s like a sweaty massage for my soul!
? Thank you Sadye Osterloh!”
Della Plaster

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Start anytime! Do it from anywhere!
Only $29.99!!
$29.99 - Purchase 21 Day Challenge
“MOST FUN WORKOUT OF ALL TIME!! I’ve had a challenging time keeping up with a workout routine ~ but this is AMAZING and I never want to miss it! Be ready to get silly and sweat!”
Madelynne Nore